Saturday, November 26, 2011

Internet Access: The Double-Edged Sword

I am so thankful for internet access! I am able to do research, shop, connect with people (sort of), and spend countless hours wandering around in cyber-space! Yeah, about that last part...well, let's jut say it can be a welcome distraction when I need a break, but can be an easy excuse when I need to be engaged in real life. While the internet can be a very useful tool, it can be dangerous too. In my life it can be a serious waste of time. I have discovered in recent years that I am quite competitive. This means that when you beat my score on the game that I am currently obsessing over, I feel a powerful urge to play until I'm on top again. I am ashamed to say that I have spent way too much time playing games. I have done it to escape from real life, and to get that high score. Reading "Taming the Techno-Beast" by Todd Wilson was a humbling experience. It is a small, yet powerful book. It helped me begin to see that I had been letting the computer control me.

No more! Well...much less often at least! I am better about using the computer, and internet access, as a tool. Today, for example, I was able to accomplish a fair amount of Christmas shopping while nestled in the comfy chair in our living room. Our daughters helped me preview music so that we could know if we like a CD before we buy it. I enjoyed reading updates from friends that I don't get to see much these days. Today, this ipad has been a very useful tool. Now that I am getting better at taming the "techo-beast," I am very thankful for the internet! :)

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